Source code for digger.parser

import argparse

import digger
from digger import errors

_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('AeroGear abcd')
_subparsers = _parser.add_subparsers()
_actions = {}

[docs]def register_action(action): """ Adds an action to the parser cli. :param action(BaseAction): a subclass of the BaseAction class """ sub = _subparsers.add_parser(action.meta('cmd'), help=action.meta('help')) sub.set_defaults(cmd=action.meta('cmd')) for (name, arg) in action.props().items(): sub.add_argument(, arg.flag, **arg.options) _actions[action.meta('cmd')] = action
[docs]def register_actions(*args): """ Accepts N arguments to be added as parser actions. :param \*args: N number of actions that inherits from BaseAction. """ [register_action(action) for action in args]
[docs]def run(*args, **kwargs): """ Runs the parser and it executes the action handler with the provided arguments from the CLI. Also catches the BaseError interrupting the execution and showing the error message to the user. Default arguments comes from the cli args (sys.argv array) but we can force those arguments when writing tests: .. code-block:: python['build', '--path', '/custom-app-path'].split()) .. code-block:: python'build --path /custom-app-path') """ cmd = _parser.parse_args(*args, **kwargs) if hasattr(cmd, 'cmd') is False: return _parser.print_help() Action = _actions.get(cmd.cmd) action = Action() try: action(**{k:getattr(cmd, k) for k in action.props().keys()}) except errors.BaseError as e: e.print_error()
def bootstrap(): register_actions(*digger.get_actions())