Source code for digger.base.action

import inspect
from six import with_metaclass

import digger
from digger import errors

__ALL__ = ['Argument', 'BaseAction']

[docs]class Argument(object): """Class that stores arguments (argparse based) in BaseAction class"""
[docs] def __init__(self, name, flag, **kwargs): """ Argument class constructor, should be used inside a class that inherits the BaseAction class. :param name(str): the optional argument name to be used with two slahes (--cmd) :param flag(str): a short flag for the argument (-c) :param \*\*kwargs: all keywords arguments supported for argparse actions. """ = name self.flag = flag self.options = kwargs
class MetaAction(type): """ A metaclass that registers digger actions whenever the class is instantiated. """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwds): result = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dict(namespace)) digger.register_action(result) return result
[docs]class BaseAction(with_metaclass(MetaAction, object)): """ A class that should be subclassed to create a new action in the cli parser. This action will become a subparser using its properties that subclass the class Argument as optional arguments for the subparser in context. The subclass should define a ``_cmd_`` and ``_help_`` properties together with a instance handler method to receive the cli parameters. ``_cmd_`` becomes the subparser command and ``_help_`` is the help/info text about the command itself. It also implements the ``__call__`` method to be used as a function to parse the command args. Example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: class FooAction(BaseAction): _cmd_ = 'foo' _help_ = 'some foo random action' Argument('--say', '-s', default='hello', help='say something, default value is hello') def handler(self, say=None): print('Foo is saying: %s.' % say) """ _cmd_ = None _help_ = None @classmethod
[docs] def meta(cls, name): """ Used to get the ``_cmd_`` and ``_help_`` class properties. :param name(str): the property name to be retrieved. Returns: The class properties that starts and ends with one underscore char based on the provided name. """ return getattr(cls, '_%s_' % name)
[docs] def props(cls): """ Class method that returns all defined arguments within the class. Returns: A dictionary containing all action defined arguments (if any). """ return {k:v for (k, v) in inspect.getmembers(cls) if type(v) is Argument}
def __call__(self, **kwargs): """ Special method to call the handler instance method with a function interface. Returns: The handler instance method result. """ return self.handler(**kwargs)
[docs] def handler(self, **kwargs): """Method to be overwrtten by the subclass to execute the actual command.""" raise errors.MethodNotImplementedError(message='%s handler method not implemented' % self.meta('cmd'))